We spoke with Antonio Méndez from Colectivo &c. and other topics such as remuneration, selection and growth in agencies

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
antonio mendez en un momento de la entrevista

He has been in the advertising industry for 20 years but speaks with the excitement and sparkle in the eyes of a newcomer. His conversation transmits values, consistency, humility and ambition in equal parts. And his voice does not tremble when he recognizes that growing is important, but it is even more important to take care of the mental peace of his teams. Therefore, as entrepreneurdefends a commitment to the long term, beyond the ephemeral, focusing on what his children could bequeath.

It’s been a year since the Collective &c. was presented to the advertising market

It has been a year since the sign of the ampersand will be placed in a position of relevance in the advertising industry, grouping and identifying the group of agencies of which Vocento is the main partner. With the graphic expression of &c. and its verbalization “AND”, groups together Tango, &Rosàs, Pro Agency, Yellow Brick Road or Estudio Melé. And one of the people in charge of this entire conglomerate is Antonio Mendezwith whom we have had a conversation since reason.Why to find out how they are doing, how they take stock of these first months of working under the same umbrella and what are the challenges they face in their daily lives as a professional in this sector.

A game of Abalone, which ended with a date for rematch, was the start of his time in our space, where we also shared with him impressions and reflections on what should have changed a long time ago.

The remuneration

Is the model for success something that Antonio Méndez contemplates? The answer is a resounding yes. “I like to work for profit, as a percentage of sales”he explains during the interview. As an entrepreneur, he recognizes that he would love for his partners to propose him projects to successsomething that already happens in the environment of production companies but not in advertising agencies.

“How much did Nike pay for Just do it?”reflects in this sense, to argue that many creative jobs have more value than what is being paid and propose that the debate be directed towards marketing directors, but also towards CEOs. “The owners of the companies are the ones who have to give us access” to this model of remuneration for success.

The selection

He run run of pitches is something that has accompanied the advertising industry for years and raises the debate of the lack of selection of agencies chemistry.
“I have the feeling that we are like a little child kicking because circumstances overcome us and we cannot control them. “How many years have we been having this conversation?”

The portfolioin this sense, should serve for the selection of agencies. “Unless it is a new one, in which case, launch it”Antonio proposes and adds a twist to this whole situation: “Why don’t we pitch to the marketing departments or the general departments?”. Its approach is to transfer the same model of advertising contests to any job: “You hire three professionals and there can only be one left, let’s see what we think.”

The growth

It is not sustainable over time to obsess over it. “We have to accept that we are not going to grow constantly. It’s a cycle: some years you will do better and others worse.”says Antonio, in a defense of the peace of mind of the teams and a commitment to move away from the ephemeral to focus on the long term. “In this sector, no one talks to me about a project for their children to pass on.”

The fear

The risk-taking marketers should be “our lighthouse”, Antonio proposes. Because, after all, there are few who have lost their jobs for taking risks; However, there are many who have been left out for not doing so.

As a mountain enthusiast, he makes a simile at this point with the journey in which one must not lose sight of the peak, the summit: “Without forgetting the day to day, but the goal is up there and the important thing is to move forward, not stay still.”

The talent

In the Collective &c. not everything is industry talentbut everyone who is there is great talent. This is how Antonio Méndez defines the group of professionals with whom he works hand in hand: Álvaro de Vicente, Isahac Oliver, Alejandro Peré, Daniele Cicini and Jordi Rosàs are some of them.

“Talent is the most complex thing to find and the most difficult thing to retain”he acknowledges in the interview when he points out that the industry, upon detecting that talent, fights to sign him into its ranks.

The Collective &c. It is a collaborative model in which, although all agencies maintain their independence, it works through good symbioses between them. Thus, while Yellow Brick Road provides a layer of strategy, Estudio Melé contributes in the production area for events or clients like Royal Bliss can count on the best creative talent from &Rosàs and Tango in the same campaign. Of these last two, Antonio wanted to point out some strong points to us during the conversation:


It started as an Experience agency back in 2011 and from that stage memorable actions such as the Vofadone 3D screen or the Mini races in the Madrid Metro are memorable. But the company has gone through a major transformation, pivoting towards Strategy and maintaining a strong commitment to creative talent with the recent signing of Ale Peré. Among the clients they work for are the Suntory group, Mapfre, Coca-Cola or BMW and they have an average retention period of 8-9 years which, in the case of Coca-Cola Music Experience, already amounts to more than one decade.


A joy. It is how Antonio Méndez defines the fact of working with the professionals that make up it. And the story of Jordi Rosàs’ improvement is an example for him, for having been able to place the agency on the front line of international creativity with work like that of Cupra, being the planner who was left “orphaned” when Oriol Villar separated from Villarrosàs.

And now?

From here, the next steps that Antonio Méndez says he has on his roadmap:

  • Continue looking, with the vision that &Rosàs has, towards the abroad
  • Open an office outside of Spain, starting with a small project that transfers its philosophy beyond our borders
  • Acquire a couple of new companies with the aim of becoming a partner of some entrepreneurs who could not be signed otherwise and thus attracting that talent

We will meet with him again in a year so he can tell us how it went, but in the meantime, he emphasizes that for him the most important thing of all is “enjoy”, sit on the mountain peak“which may not be the highest peak of the highest mountain range, but it is my peak” – and contemplate the landscape being aware of the journey taken, cultivating patience for everything that is to come.

If you want to listen to the interview in Podcast format, you can do so here: