Third EGM of 2024: Internet leads media audience, but loses penetration

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
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AIMC, the Association for Media Research, has shared data from the Third Wave of EGM from 2024. It is about the General Media Studywhich offers a quarterly overview of the media audience. Following the line of previous editions, this edition of the analysis reflects the leadership of the digital ecosystem and once again shows a struggle between Outdoor and Television for second position.

The media with the most audience in Spain

As has happened since 2021, Internet is once again at the top of the media list in terms of audience in our country. It obtains the first position in the ranking with a penetration of 88.9%, which represents a slight decrease of 0.2 percentage points compared to the previous wave, when it registered 89.1%.

Television It once again occupies the second position that it had lost in the first wave of the report this year before Foreign. Its penetration this time stands at 81.6%, which is 0.6 points more than in the second wave of this year, when it obtained a share of 81%.

For its part, Abroad It closes the podium gaining 0.4 points compared to the share obtained in the second wave of this year, which goes from 80.9% to the current 81.3%. These are figures, however, that already consolidate the total recovery of the environment and that are increasingly closer to those obtained before the pandemic – it registered 82.2% in 2019 -.


Internet continues to lead the media audience in our country thanks to the growing omnipresence of the online environment and the digitalization of life. This has caused its share to reach 88.9% and has once again placed YouTube, The Country and the RTVE website as the pages with the most unique visitors from Spain in the last 30 days.

It should be noted that Facebookwhich has traditionally occupied second place among the most visited Internet sites in our country, is not part of the ranking in this edition of the report. The same happens with Spotifywho has led the latest editions of the study.


Television It maintains second position on the list, surpassing Exterior by the slightest. On this occasion, its audience share has experienced an increase of 0.6 points, going from 81% in this year’s second wave to the current 81.6%.

Breaking down the data from the AIMC report, the ranking of television channels is altered compared to previous installments, by once again including the Mediaset channels. Nevertheless, Antenna 3 repeats as leader with 16.4% of the screen share, while TVE’s 1 (12.1%) once again occupies second position, followed in the classification by Telecinco (10.7%).

Furthermore, this wave of the AIMC study indicates that Spanish viewers have dedicated 184 minutes a day watching televisionwhich represents a decrease of 4 minutes compared to the previous edition of the report.


The middle Abroad has recovered, after four years, from the impact of the pandemic. Its current penetration stands at 81.3%, which represents an increase of 0.4% compared to the previous edition.

Digging deeper into the report data, 34 million individuals have seen outdoor advertising in the last week. He urban furniturewhich includes mupis, kiosks or bus stops, is once again the area of ​​greatest penetration. They follow the transport advertising (buses, metro, airports, etc.) and the formats included in “rest of supports” (advertising banners on buildings, lighting on buildings, shopping centers, parking, etc.).


The General Media Study points out that Radio penetration has reached 54.3%, which reflects a drop of 0.2 points compared to the previous edition of the report. In total, 22.8 million people listen to the radio every day in our country.

The report offers a ranking for general radio stations. This appears very similar to previous editions, with Ser, Cope and Onda Cero as the most listened to stations in our country. According to AIMC, 12.4 million people listen to general radio in Spain daily.

For its part, thematic radio obtains an audience of 13.4 million people a day. The 40s, Cadena 100 and Cadena Dial They continue to lead the way as the most listened to music stations.

Print media

As is usual, the EGM distinguishes printed media by typology. Thus, it indicates that the share of Magazines has decreased slightly to 23.8% from 24% in the previous edition. The penetration of Newspapers, for its part, grows from 13.3% to 13.%; while the Supplements audience also increases slightly to 3.7%, from 3.5% previously.

The weekly publication magazines have reached an audience of 3.7 million people, the same figure as in the Second Wave of the EGM of 2024. A change is observed in the ranking of the most read weekly magazines, with Hello snatching the first position from Soon. In third position is Readings.

With regards to the monthly magazines, They have obtained an audience of 7.2 million people, the same figure as in the previous wave. The list of the most read continues to be headed by National Geographic, Vogue and National Geographic Travel.

As for the daily headershave achieved an audience of xx million people a day. In the ranking of the most read, no changes are observed, and once again, Brand, The Country and The World They remain the leading newspapers.


Like Exterior, Cinema It has also consolidated its recovery after the pandemic. The penetration of the medium has experienced a notable increase, going from 6% in the second wave of the report to 8.1% currently.

According to data from the AIMC report, 51.9% of the population says they never or almost never go to the theaters, compared to 48.1% who do it “sometimes”. Among those who go to the movies, only 1.1% do so one or more times a week; while 9.2% do it once a month. 19.9% ​​go to the rooms less than five times a year.

More info.: Third Wave of the EGM of 2024 and Internet Hearings