The ads created with artificial intelligence It is ceasing to be an exclusive communication formula of social networks, where its presence, so far, has been the most common. This type of creativity is also making the leap to television, as reflected in the new advertising campaign of the Travel Agency PANGEA The Travel Store.
The company has presented its communication as the first campaign of the tourism sector created with artificial intelligence. Is articulated under the title “Travel as you are” with a creative concept developed by the Elvis creative agencyand combines real images with others, most, created with generative artificial intelligence.
It shows the adventures of a dog, which, when abandoned by its owner in a gas station, leaves traveling with young people and begins to tour the world. From the company they say that “This is not one more campaign“And they describe it as”A challenge to the clichés of traditional tourism, a declaration of freedom for those who want to travel the world without molds or labels”, As they express in a statement.
With this Pangea campaign, he intends to transfer the message that there is not a single way of traveling, and that the perfect trip to adapt to the person, his lifestyle and his way of enjoying. It is a reflection of brand philosophy, as well as its commitment to customization and value for money.
“In Pangea we believe that each traveler is unique. We design custom experiences for everyone, be an adventurer, a lover of culture, a foodie or someone who seeks to disconnect”, Said Abraham Martín, CMO of the company, in a statement. “Our commitment is that you travel your way, with a plan designed only for you”
Both the brand and the agency say that “travels as you are” is “a shocking, fresh and absolutely unexpected piece” “It is fine with the same as always with palm trees and the perfect couple on the beach”Says Jorge Moscat, director and founder of Elvis. “We wanted to turn it around, to show that traveling is for everyone and that each one does it in their own way”
The announcement of Pangea can be seen on television, as in recent days has also been able to see the spot of Celtic milk, also created with artificial intelligence. The announcement “The Celtic family grows” has been broadcast in Telecinco during diurnal schedule from Wednesday to Sunday.