The footwear brand Biomecanics warns of the social pressure suffered in upbringing with “The corridor of doubt”

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
la palabra instinto escrita sobre una ventana de luz que da al campo

Formula or breast.
Porridge or BLW (Baby Led Weaning).
Go barefoot or wear Biomecanics.

Social pressure and self-demand derived from the comparison with what is seen on social networks, as it is already one of the main added burdens for mothers and fathers during parenting of his children. And it has been the starting point for the campaign “No one like you to take the first step”, launched by the children’s footwear company Biomecanics with the aim of raising awareness about the emotional impact that information and multiple opinions can have on parents. .

The strategy, which has been worked on by the Valencian agency Maslow, is headed by the spot “The corridor of doubt”, a piece that places new parents at the beginning of a long hallway full of doors that give access to successive rooms where other parents educate and care for their children in different ways.

“We want to give visibility to this pressure, of which we are often not aware”

“Contrasting and continually updating information and opinions places an extra mental burden on raising our children and at Biomecanics we want to give visibility to this pressure, of which we are often not aware. There is no more respectful parenting for our children than that which is born from our instinct and our mental well-being.”states Joaquín García, CEO of Biomecanics, in a press release.

So, “The hallway of doubt” It represents the number of options that parents face when making decisions about parenting, leading to a last bright and quiet room that symbolizes that power that should never be turned off so that mothers and fathers can decide freely and enjoy the path of parenting. .

This spot is the first piece of a digital media, social media and public relations campaign which will be activated in Spain to give visibility to the fundamental values ​​for Biomecanics, such as freedom of decision, consultation of proven scientific information and calm when approaching the breeding process.

The campaign has also been carried out supported by the study “Contemporary parenting and use of social networks. Tensions and emotions”, presented at the IV National Congress of Pediatric Nursing Associations. Among its conclusions, it is worth highlighting the strong impact of the digital environment on the emotional state, which leads 86.5% of parents to feel “judged for their way of parenting.”


  • Campaign title: “No one like you to take the first step”
  • Spot title: “The corridor of doubt”
  • Advertiser: Biomecanics
  • Client Contact: Inma Pérez
  • Creative Agency: Maslow
  • Executive Director: Marta Álvarez
  • Strategic Management: Ana Niño
  • Creative team: Alma Gomis, Fernando Martínez, Javier Vicent, Jordi Escrivà, Andrea Muñoz
  • Account Team: Laura Benet
  • Producer: Jackiens
  • Media agency: NF media