Shampoo bottles, slippers, bathrobes. They are some of the hotel objects that guests tend to claim as their own at the end of their stay. Small thefts that the hotels have already assumed. The theft of mannequins, armor, lamps or decorative figurines is not so common, however, which is what the chain denounces. BWH Hotels in his new campaign.
The company wants to recover some of the elements that adorned its rooms and gave personality to its hotels, differentiating them and making them unique, but that have disappeared at the hands, presumably, of some of its guests. To do this, it has opted for a playful approach and there is iinviting users to return them in exchange for rewards.
From the hand of the creative agency Nord DDB has created “The Hotel Theft Reward”, campaign that offers stays worth up to 2,000 Swedish crowns to those who return missing items or breakfast checks for two people to whom they contact giving clues about their possible whereabouts.
The campaign includes a landing page that collects the list of lost items highlights and what you are looking for. The list includes photographs, descriptions of the items, the name of the hotel they were part of and direct links to the email to inform BWH Hotels about the objects. In total the company is looking for 18 different products.
“We love how unique each of our hotels is. Guests seem to agree, perhaps too much so, given the number of objects that have gone missing over the years“, commented Johan Michelson, CEO of BWH Hotels, according to AdAge. “Now we want to recover our treasures to restore the special atmosphere of our hotels and we could use some help. For those willing to be heroes, we offer open arms and a hotel voucher, no questions asked!”.
In addition to trying to recover the objects, the campaign seeks to connect on a new emotional level with consumers and, at the same time, celebrates the uniqueness of the chain’s hotels. BWH Hotelsha known capitalize on an insight and take advantage of a problem of the sector in an opportunity to convey your personality and highlight the particularities of your stays.