“Stories of a trip”, the documentary with which KPMG wants to attract talent

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
Empleados de KPMG

20 years of professional career condensate in 15 minutes. That is what the consultant has tried to do KPMG with “Stories of a trip”a documentary that includes the experiences and experiences of nine professionals and that seeks to transfer the development and growth opportunities offered by the company.

Filming a complete trajectory would have required more than two decades but, thanks to the testimonies of nine protagonists, we know the multiple development possibilities offered by KPMG in Spain”; The company explains with respect to the documentary, which ensures marks a turning point in your communication strategy and supposes an adaptation to trends and content consumption formats.

As each of the protagonists point out from KPMG, it personifies a different stage of the professional trip offered by the company, And their stories want to reflect how it has a versatile and flexible environment to facilitate both personal and professional growth.

As can be seen in the documentary, marked by its script, the different profiles narrate their day to day, highlighting the virtues of working in the company. The day -to -day images in the office intermingle with personal hobbies and also with the relationships between colleagues in leisure environments.

KPMG points out that the documentary addresses the Key points of your Employee Journey: Learning, course changes or promotion opportunities. This can be seen testimonies ranging from those of Nerea Gil, associated in the indirect taxation department of KPMG Lawyers; Even those of María Lacarra, Chief Operating Offer.

Through the voices of the protagonists, the documentary offers an authentic story about how they have assumed new responsibilities, faced challenges and reconciled their personal life in the context of a globa organizationl ”, expose from the consultant. Production also reflects other aspects of the company, such as the Alumni program.

With “Stories of a trip,” KPMG intends to inspire “To the professionals of today and tomorrow demonstrating that each step on the road is worth it“And provide”A close vision of KPMG’s values ​​and culture and the experience of professionals who are part of their team

It is a company’s setting to enhance its Employment brand image In a marked context, among other things, by a growing rejection by young people to corporate work culture, Which has been reflected in recent years in movements such as the “great resignation”, the “Quiet Quiting”, the “Bare Minimum Mondays” or “Lazy Girl Jobs”.
The piece also aspires, ultimately, to improve the perception of consultantsassociated with long working days, strict hierarchical structures and a culture that glorifies excess work.

The documentary is available on KPMG’s own channels, including its website, where you dedicate a section. In this, in addition to including the video and a brief description of the protagonists, a Link to the company’s racing section. The intention is to invite viewers to consult the current opportunities offered by KPMG and encourage them to run.