Santander has announced the assignment of its creativity and purchase of media advertising worldwide Publicis Groupe, which has been selected after a contest process that started in September and in which they have participated IPG and WPP. The objective of the unification, such and with the financial entity in a statement is to strengthen its transformation process.
Santander points out that his intention is “climb and accelerate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns using artificial data and intelligence, in addition to improving the consistency of the brand narrative” In the selection process, which has considered creativity, data, technology and artificial intelligence capabilities, SE have involved all the markets and businesses of Santander.
Santander launched the global positioning a few months ago “is the time”
The company ensures that the passage to a single agency will help reinforce the recently launched brand narrative. He Positioning “is the time” (‘It Starts Here’ in English) was launched a few months ago with the intention of connecting with customers putting their needs and interests in the center. It also considers that consolidating creativity and the purchase of media in Publicis will favor a more personalized customer experience and will provide common capabilities and measurement to boost the effectiveness of operations.
However, he points out that The execution of the marketing strategy will remain local for “guarantee that the context and sensibilities of each market are taken into account” In recent years Santander has been working media planning with Dentsu, to which he assigned his accounts in the European and American markets in March 2022. Carat He has been responsible for the account for Spain. In the creative section the company has developed its last campaigns by the hand of Lasanta, the In-House advertising agency that launched in early 2022.
All these services will be provided through Publicis flame, A custom -created unit for creativity solutions, purchase of media advertising, production and data that from Publicis Groupe will provide to the bank.
It is estimated that Santander’s advertising expenditure globally reaches 200 million euros per year.
“We are delighted with this new collaboration, and sure that advanced data and technology capabilities will help us better connect with our current and future customersS, ”said Juan Manuel Cendoya, head of communication, corporate marketing and studies of Banco Santander and vice president of Santander Spain.”Unifying all our marketing activity under a single agency will allow us to take advantage of our unique global presence and take advantage of our best practices more effectively”
The advertising unification movement responds to the strategy “One Santander”, the organizational and work model with which the company seeks growth and efficiency at the global level. Santander would be the first financial entity to bet on the consolidation of advertising services, and would be following the steps of other multinationals, such as Coca-Cola, which since 2021 works with WPP.