Santa rules out dairy products in Oatly “taste test”

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
Santa rules out dairy products in Oatly “taste test”

Oatly has brought the old tradition of leaving milk and cookies to Santa Claus to its holiday announcement this Christmas, but with a twist: What if Santa Claus is lactose intolerant? Or are you more sustainably minded? Maybe you don’t want to drink cow’s milk. Has anyone ever asked you?

Starting from these premises as an insight, the Swedish dairy alternative brand has gone straight to the source and brought together 31 professional Santa Clauses in one place to carry out a “taste test”. In quotes because the experiment was ironically real: in front of a tempting table with oat milk and a tower of French dessert croquembouchethe Santas couldn’t help but be attracted and ignored the clearly austere-looking table, with cow’s milk and the usual cookies.

As Oatly indicates in a humorous tone, “The study had no bias and the pressure was minimal: 96.744% of the participants chose oat milk without anyone convincing them.”

The campaign has been a work carried out internally and will have activations on social networks, outdoors and in cinemas.

As part of the campaign, two other ads have been created that iterate on the platform “Update Milk” brand, which launched last year, with edited footage of cow’s milk being replaced with oat milk in a less-than-subtle way.
So, “Love Santa” updates an old Polaroid spot while “Leave A Note” updates a social media viral.

Additionally, the campaign will include display ads along these lines in major cities as well as a Digital Out Of Home video that will play in high foot traffic areas such as the Port Authority of New York.