More than 92% of the Spaniards saw television in the month of January

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
Una pareja viendo la television

Soccer has stood out, once again, as the content with more television audience During January, a month thanks to various factors, such as the climatic situation or relevant cultural events, such as Benidorm Fest, has registered a slight improvement in consumption data compared to December.

That is the main conclusion of the monthly television consumption report, prepared POR Barlovento with data from Kantar. As indicated, the Daily consumption time per spectator (On those who watch television every day) of the month of January it has been 299 minutes, that is, 5 minutes more than in December, and 5 minutes less than the January last year.

Who watch television in Spain?

In addition, each person (about the population universe of 47.1 million) dedicated an average of 2 hours and 57 minutes (177 minutes) a day to watch traditional television, which is 3 more minutes compared to the previous month, but 12 minutes less compared to the same period of 2024.

Those who see television are women and those over 64 years old

Regarding Demographic profile of spectators, The report indicates that those who have spent the most time watch television are women (189 minutes) and those over 64 (335 minutes). As for theto location, Asturias (210 minutes) and Castilla La Mancha (199 minutes) are the regions where television has been seen most.

On the other hand, Barlovento informs that Unique accumulated spectators In the month they reached 43.5 million, which assumes that 92.4% of the population contacted television in January. In addition, 27.8 million Spaniards watched television every day at least a minute, that is, 59.3% of the population.

On the contrary, according to the consultant, there were 3.4 million “telephone”, Which means that 7% of the population did not see television at any time during the month of January. The figure reflects 0.1 million more than in the month of December and, therefore, a growing fragmentation of attention in the media landscape.

Streaming television consumption

As usual for a few months, the Barlovento report also breaks down digital television consumption, and collects “Other audiovisual consumption” Different to conventional television -which include streaming or video platforms, recorded content, video games or radio.

Thus, the average time dedicated per person a day stood in 58 minutes, that is, 2 minutes more than in December and 4 minutes more than in January last year. Thus, the Total TV use time (traditional television + other uses) It has been 235 minutes per person a day; and 355 minutes per spectator a day. These figures reflect an increase of 5 minutes in both cases compared to the previous month.

According to Barlovento, 25% of the total use of the TV is for “Other audiovisual consumption” different from conventional television. In addition, the exclusive hearing of these “other uses”, that is, the number of people who use the TV for another different activity to watch the traditional linear television, is 3,254,000 spectators, about 200,000 spectators more than in December .

The most watched on television in Spain in January

The sport has monitored the television audience in January. Thus, the match between Real Madrid and Celta de Vigo, held on January 16 as part of the Copa del Rey, has been The most watched of the month, accumulating an average audience of 2,986,000 spectators and achieving 30.1% Share.

By elaborating the content of the format report, the public chain has been made with The most watched film of the month. It has been “small details”, broadcast on the “film of the week” program, on January 19, and reached 1,617,000 spectators on average and 14.2% of the screen share.

The public chain has also raised with the More viewed series January. “The promise” has been treated; issued in La1, whose chapter issued on January 7 brought together 1,325,000 spectators and accumulated 15.5% Share.

On the other hand, The gold minute, that is, the most watched minute of the month, occurred
During the broadcast of the aforementioned football meeting on January 16 at 11:27 p.m. and registered an audience of 3.3 million viewers.

The television audience for chains

The proposal of Antena 3 As a whole, he convinced the spectators again and has granted, one more month, the leadership in audience to the chain. The Atresmedia channel heads the television ranking per audience with 12.6% of the share, followed by LA1 with 10.4%, and Telecinco in third position with 8.7% of the screen share.

We also highlight two data of interest: on the one hand, Unique spectators of open chains They have been 43 million (91%) of coverage; And on the other, the set of the 80 chains that make up the payment issues reached 11.3% of the share.

Focusing the time stripesAntena 3 led the morning, the desktop, the afternoon, and the prime-time, while Telecinco has done it in the late-night and energy in the early morning. By targets, Antena 3 has dominated both men and women; While by age, he has conquered individuals over 25, leaving children from 4 to 12 in the hands of Boing and young people from 13 to 24 for LA1.

Focusing on television groups, Atresmedia –With 6 chains in broadcasting- he occupies first place in the ranking with 26.1% share. Mediaset –With seven emission chains- it follows with 24.7%, and RTVE Group – With five chains- closes the podium with 15.7% of the screen share.

Television advertising during January

According to the Barlovento audience report, the GRP volume of advertising campaigns decreased by -5.1% in November compared to the same period last year, until it is 141,339 GRPs 20 “. most watched spot It has corresponded to El Corte Inglés issued in Antena 3 in the “El Tiempo” space of January 2, with 19 GRPs 20 “.

The first positions by the different advertising attributes are:

  • Bell: “Santa Lucía/Seguros”, with 2,089 Grp’s 20 “
  • Advertiser: Procter & Gamble, with 5,318 GRP’s 20 ”
  • Brand: Collector’s gallery, with 4,210 GRP’s 20 ”
  • Sector: Distribution and restoration, with 18% of the advertising pressure

In numbers, we have talked about:

  • Advertisers: 1,268, -4.5% more than in January 2024
  • Spots: 864,409, 3.4% more compared to the same period of the previous year
  • GRPS 20 “: 141,339
  • Sectors: 21
  • Brands: 1,497, -3.3% more compared to January last year
  • Campaigns: 1.935, -5.4% more compared to January 2024

More Info.: Report Audiences Barloventant