The Doritos They will cease to be triangular. At least temporarily and limitedly. And, for the first time in its history, the brand will set aside the iconic triangular form of its snack to adopt a square on the occasion of the promotion of the filmto “to Minecraft Movie”, Based on the popular video game “Minecraft.”
After several days of speculation, the brand has confirmed that the initiative is not final and that it is part of an agreement between Doritos with the film, which will be released in cinemas on April 4. The truth is that the brand sowed the seed of doubt a few days ago with an enigmatic publication that has sought to generate conversation. The brand’s profile in the United Kingdom published a photograph of a square dorito with the phrase “The Shape of Things to Come “ (The form of things that are to come. ”
From Doritos it has also published some images that seem typical of the Design process. It is a plans species for the prototype of the square chips, and in them it stands out as the new form would contribute more product and flavor to consumers.

The news was not positively received by the audience, which has flooded the publication of the brand with negative messages asking the brand not to change the form. However, for the tranquility of many, the action is part of a series of promotional actions They seek to publicize the premiere of the film.
It has worked collaboratively between Sips & bitesthe internal agency of Pepsico, and the agency Good Relations.
Thus, inspired by the cubic universe of the film, Doritos has developed a limited quantity of square -shaped chips They are hidden in a hundred special packages. These are Chilli Heatwave flavor and have images of the film, and will be available from the end of February until March 10.
In addition, according to it The Grocerthe brand will also make a Digital promotion From February 17 to April 13, which invites consumers to scan the QR code in promotional packages to have the opportunity to reveal a square chip. In this way, consumers will have the opportunity to find one of these special doritos, either physically or digitally, and win a cash prize of up to 1,000 pounds. Others will also be raffled Awards, as tickets for the film or exclusive products.
In addition to the promotion based on square chips, Doritos has also launched Two new flavors Inspired by characters from the movie. It’s about Creeper come, An Avinagrado and Picante, Ghast BBQ, which combines sweet and acidic.
“We know that our triangular shape is iconic, so changing it had to be for something special“said Alex Nicholas, Senior Marketing Manager of Doritos in the United Kingdom, according to the aforementioned medium.”Our association with ‘Minecraft Movie’ gives people the opportunity to look for square doritos and win prizes and try two new and exciting flavors within the Doritos range, that we are sure that fans will love“
Other brands join the conversation
The stir caused by the possibility that Doritos changing the shape of his triangular snack has generated, not only the conversation between consumers, but also among the marks. So, Walkerswhich is also owned by Pepsico in the United Kingdom, has made a publication of its product with the phrase “The Shape of Things alredy” (the form of current things “), since its fried potatoes Square already with squares.
For its part, the Donuts brand Krispy Kreme He has done the same with the image of a square donuts and the phrase “Is this the form of things that are to come?”