It may not seem, but “Bridget Jones”, “Jurassic World”, “Impossible mission” or “Harry Potter” have something in common. The authentic protagonist of his stories is the United Kingdom, or at least he transmits it Visitbritain In its last campaign, with which it highlights the virtues of the country through its media presence in some of the film and television productions of recent years.
The campaign “Britain protagonist”, that Reason.WHY He has been able to know in Primicia, invites international tourists to choose Britain as the destination of his next trip, and does so with a short film inspired by several global box office successes in which both cities and British landscapes have relevance. Has been developed with the creative agency Pablo and the Global Creative Production Agency Tag Worldwideand has had the filmmaker Tom Hooper (“The King’s speech”) in the direction.
Thus, the announcement shows several tourists enjoying some of the most emblematic United Kingdom places that appear in films such as “Spider-Man”, “Paddington” or “The return of Mary Poppins”; and in series such as “Succession”, “Bridgeton” or “The Dragon House” Humorthe piece places the protagonists in full action of the stories and summons them in places such as the Tower Bridge (London); Edinburgh; Eastnor Castle, in Herefordshire; or Anglesey.
The creative concept has its origin in a report prepared by Visisbritain itself, which points out that 7 out of 10 people who have traveled to the United Kingdom in the last ten years for leisure reasons They have visited some film or television location. In addition, it indicates that 9 out of 10 potential visitors would be interested in visiting some film or television location in the United Kingdom in the future.
“British destinations are the true show of the show, since we take advantage of the powerful attraction of screen tourism to attract visitors and promote their expense in our nations and regions”, Explained Patricia Yates, CEO of Visitbritain, in a statement. “Using cinema and television as a hook, we are telling the story of Great Britain today, showing our dynamic and diverse destinations and putting our welcome in the center of the stage”
“Many of the moments that left you breath in the cinema were shot in the United Kingdom. Impressive landscapes, amazing urban environments and a great film talent have combined over the years in a really exceptional way”, Said Chris Bryant, Minister of Tourism. “We want national and foreign visitors to experience them first -hand immersing themselves in the landscapes and places that have become famous thanks to cinema and television“
The short film is part of the first phase of the campaign, which will take place between January and March of this year, and has had a budget of 8 million pounds, That is, almost 10 million euros. It is one of the largest investments of the United Kingdom tourism organism, as well as. A collaboration effort, since the participation of the big audiovisual agents has been attended: Disney, Netflix, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Studiocanal, Universal Pictures and Warner Bros. Discovery.
In addition, the campaign is part of the “Great” initiative of the United Kingdom, which aims to boost economic growth encouraging international audiences to visit, study, invest, live and work in the country. In this sense, “Great Britain protagonist” has developed In collaboration with the National Tourism offices: VisitEngland, Viscoscotland and Visitwales.
The campaign will be executed with special focus on France, Germany, the United States, Gulf and Australia countries, SIguning a media plan devised by the agency Omnigov. Thus, in addition to the main audiovisual piece, it will have shorter executions for different channels. It will also have external advertising graphics.
In addition, “Great Britain,” has a website that collects thematic itineraries around cinematographic genres, as well as routes that appear in the films that are part of the campaign. It also includes a map with tourist activities for locations, and information on destinations.
More info.: Great Britain Protagonist