A couple visits a floor and faints at their luxurious proposal. That is the scene with which Idealistic These last days have been announced in our country in the framework of the Benidorm Fest, Television space issued en la 1 of TVE and that the platform has sponsored. A strategy that, according to the situation that is going through housing in Spain, has generated diversity of opinions among the public.
The brand has made a hole in the three television broadcasts From the contest, which took place on January 28 and 30, the two semifinals, and on February 1, the final of the festival that chooses the representative of Spain in our country and that has ended up selecting Melody to go to next 17 May to Basel (Switzerland).
Since 2021 TVE admits certain forms of advertising
The presence of idealist in 1 is understood within the framework of the so -called “Cultural sponsorship”. It should be remembered that although RTVE does not issue advertising since 2010, the modifications introduced in the General Law of Audiovisual Communication in the late 2021 have opened again the doors of the public chain to advertising. As established in this text, new sources of income for RTVE have been enabled that can now monetize certain forms of advertising, such as sponsorships or advertising in international channels and digital content.
However, the advertising of the platform has not been well received by a segment of the audience, which has not considered the advertising of idealist in a crisis context in access to housing, Especially among young people, which is the main audience of Benidorm Fest.
According to data from the platform itself, the housing price Used in Spain, it has registered a 9.2% year -on -year increase during the month of January, standing at 2,237 euros per square meter. The data represents a 1.3% rise in the last three months. Specifically, the Valencian Community has experienced an increase in prices of 14.6% compared to January last year, and Alicante, where Benidorm is, of 13.8%. In Benidorm the price has increased by 17.2% in the last year.
The upward trend is also appreciated in the rent price. The latest idealist data suggest that the rental price in our country has increased by 11.8% year -on -year in this January, and the square meter is established by 13.8 euros. The increase in the Valencian Community is 11.7% compared to January last year; and 10% in the province of Alicante.
The viewers’ opinion
This is what has led many AV usersnegatively praise the sponsorship of idealist in the space of the public chain, which at its end brought together 1,938,000 spectators. “I don’t think there is more serious aggression to our generation than idealist’s announcement in Benidorm Fest”A user commented.
Moreover, many users have interpreted that the fainting of the protagonists of the piece is not due to the beauty of the house, but to its high prices.
Others, on the other hand, have positively valued communication, mainly due to their distended approach and jocular tone, Also within the framework of a generalized opinion climate on a decrease in the quality of the proposals of this edition of Benidorm Fest compared to previous years.
The presence of idealist in the retransmissions of Benidorm Fest are an extension of the Sponsorship that the platform makes the Eurovision Festival since 2022. This is what they understand from the company, with which Reason.WHY He has contacted the intention of knowing his assessment of the situation.
They refer to this medium a statement in which they defend their commitment. “In idealist we have been maintaining a trajectory for the promotion of culture for years through music, with patronage projects in the main theaters of Spain, Italy and Portugal, as sponsors of the main summer music and, for years, as official sponsors Eurovision“, says Francisco Iñreta, company spokesman.”Within this last project, we saw clear from the beginning that we had to support Benidorm Fest as a logical extension to our commitment to Eurovision”
Idealista has a certain trajectory in the sponsorship of relevant television broadcasts and of social and cultural interest, as is the case of the Reyes de Madrid ride.
The idealist campaign
Idealista advertising is, in reality, the adaptation to the Spanish market of a campaign that the companyA activated in Italy at the end of 2022, And that has also been executed in Portugal, all of them markets in which the platform operates. Was devised by the creative duo Gibbo & Lori and had the Big Mama producer.
The announcement sought to highlight the instantaneous benefits that are derived from the use of idealist, that is, the possibility of choosing, seeing and visiting the most beautiful houses in a simple and immediate way. He Claim “Your house is in idealist. Come see it ”, It contains the promise of looking for the ideal house without stress, one of the objectives of the company.
Moreover, last year, The TV3 polynia program parodied the announcement, precisely changing the reasons for the fainting of the protagonists. He showed a real estate agent showing a tiny floor to a couple and trying to transfer their advantages.