Most people usually enjoy their favorite snacks using their dominant hand, which leaves people unable to perform certain actions. In the case of designers, with problems to perform their ideas, as reflected in the new marketing marketing action Cheetoswith which the brand demonstrates, once again, the love of consumers for their product.
Cheetos has created “The other hand font”a typography created with the least dominant hand, since the main one is too busy taking snacks and impregnated with the delicious dust they give off. He has done it in collaboration with the creative agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners and within the framework of World Writing Day by hand, held on January 23. Specifically, Rich Silverstein, founder of the agency has designed the source to the creative team.
Thus, advertiser and agency have created a Typography designed in its entirety using the non -dominant hand of designers. It is an initiative that is part of the Campaign “The Other Hand”with which the brand has highlighted the things that happen to Cheetos lovers when they choose to live life with their dominant hand always covered the cheetos dust.
Far from being a mere communication exercise, Cheetos has put the typography created available to users, which You can download it on the brand’s website. The brand invites fans to try it in unexpected places, from work to the study, and offers those who publish the most daring and mischievous uses in social networks the opportunity to get a bag of limited editing cheetos inspired by the The Other Hand source.
In addition, as part of the campaign a extension for browsers which transform their usual source into The OTher Hand Font.
“The beauty of the campaign is that it celebrates a very real human truth: most people use their dominant to eat cheetos, which means that they have to do everything else in life using their other hand“; said Chris Bellinger, creative director of Pepsico Foods United States.”This last trick of presenting a hilarious source continues to show the mischievous consequences of eating cheetos ”.
“Design is the purest form of expression of a brand and this source represents cheetos as nothing we could have imagined“Rich Silverstein commented on the other hand.”It is a testimony of the countless hours dedicated to creating every detail. Doing everything with our non -dominant hand was an experience that we will never forget”
In addition to the main audiovisual piece, which shows designers during the alleged creative process, the brand has promoted the typography with several Publications in Social Networks that, from humor, expose possible applications. Thus, he has shared both memes, and images of typography in the work environment.