Ramón de Valle Inclán, Gloria Fuertes, José Luis López Vázquez and Gila. They are the four chosen from the very wide group of illustrious figures of our country to spend 24 hours on Earth. Their enthusiasm for knowing how we live now, however, contrasts enormously with the dizzying pace of day-to-day life and the transformations that our society has experienced. However, something prevails: our identity.
That’s how it is “I identified”he christmas advertisement Campofrío designed by creative agency This Is Free, with which the food brand once again claims the uniqueness of the Spanish character. As it has been doing for more than a decade, the company has made a light-hearted portrait of our country, in this case to pay tribute to Spanish culture, our way of being and our values in the face of growing globalization.
For this he has resorted to cultural shock generated through humor, Campofrío’s hallmark. It is based on the contrast that some of the figures who, precisely, have contributed to shaping the spanish identity: from Isabel la Católica, Quevedo and Góngora, to Sara Montiel, Eugenio or Fofó.
For this, it has counted on actors such as Óscar Lasarte, who plays Gila in the film “Is it the enemy? Gila’s Movie”, currently in theaters; with Gerard Jofra, son of Eugenio; or with Rody Aragón, a member of the Aragón family.
Through all of them, the advertisement shows a specific way of understanding life associated, as well as traditions and customs, but it also highlights values such as solidarity or generosity. “Every year it is a challenge for us to decide the message of our campaign, and this Christmas we consider that identity, whose best reflection is our way of enjoying life, had to be valued”, noted Juana Manso, Marketing Director of Campofrío, in a statement.
Mónica Moro, Creative Director of This is Libre, has pointed out that Campofrío’s Christmas advertisement each year represents a creative challengebut he assures that on this occasion “has turned to people who are no longer with us, but each one has a high impact on the construction of our identity because of what they meant in our unique culture or because of their perspective on our cities.”.
The spot, produced by Harry, has also been a challenge on a technical level. The brand points out that an exhaustive research process has been carried out, and the process has also involved relatives of the figures represented. There has also been the collaboration of leading tailors in the cinematographic environment.
It should also be noted that the music plays a key role in the spot. It is a version of “Eres tú”, the song performed by Mocedades at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1973. It is performed by the singer Eva McBel.
“Identiqué” will have activations in social networks, television and cinema during the next few days, taking into account the media planning carried out by the OMD agency.
Technical sheet
- Title: Identified
- Advertiser: Campofrío
- Client contact: Juana Manso, Rubén Pérez, Silvia Álvarez, Lucía Girón, Alejandra López, Gabriela Lopez-Chicheri Pastor
- Agency: This is Libre
- Creative Team: Mónica Moro, Raquel Martínez, Lorena Álvarez, Borja Diego.
- Strategic planning: Adrián Mediavilla
- Project Manager: Andrea Cabezudo, Patricia González Irala
- Producers Agency: Martín Beilin, Álvaro Fdez. de Araoz
- Producer: Harry
- Director: Dionisio Naranjo
- Executive Production: Tay Sánchez
- Producer: Celia Prieto
- Director of Photography: Rafa Reparaz
- Editor: Rocío Pérez
- Digital Unit: Diego Falcone
- Postproduction Coordinator: Néstor Costafreda
- Post-production assistant: Mao Silva
- Post-production: Harry and Israel Fornés
- Sound Studio: The Bakery
- Music: OEO&Parser (Voice: Eva Mcbel)
- Social and Digital Team: MRM / McCann Worldgroup
- Executive Creative Director: Guillermo Santaisabel
- Creative supervisor: Mercedes Laso
- Editor: Laura Elena
- Art direction: Pablo FrancoAccount supervisor: Fran Guerra
- Executive: María Blanco
- Social Media Manager & Strategist: Elena Sánchez
- Social Content & CM: Sergio Pérez
- Content Creator: Yenn Roa
- Media center: OMD
- PR Agency: Lasker
- Lasker Team: Paloma Aguilera, Raúl Torres, Alejandra García de la Maza.