The creatives Alberto Astorga and Daniel Ilario They will be distinguished with the Honor C c prize, the award that delivers the Creativity Club and recognize the most outstanding trajectories in the field of advertising creativity of our country. The two professionals will receive recognition on March 22 during the National Creativity Awards gala.
As they point out from the creativity club, the distinction seeks to recognize “His extraordinary professional trajectories and his significant legacy in Spanish advertising creativity” Alberto Astorga and Daniel Ilario collect the USCHI Henkes and Julian Zuazo witness, who were awarded in the previous edition of the contest.
C de C qualifies creatives as “a legendary creative tandem”
Astorga and Ilario have been unanimously selected For a commission composed of professionals from the sector awarded in previous editions and who are current partners of C de C: Concha Wert, Daniel Solana, José Luis Esteo, Julián Zuazo, Luis Casadevall, Manuel Valmorisco, Marta Rico, Miguel García Vizcaíno, Miki Heras Heras Heras , Toni Segarra, Uschi Henkes and the president of the C de C, Gonzalo Figari.
From the club they point out that Astorga and Ilario formed “A legendary creative tandem”, Widely recognized for its emblematic television and graphic campaigns for Audi and Eleven during its stage in DDB. “His innovative vision and his ability to connect with audiences marked an era, being two of the most awarded and admired creatives of Spanish advertising”, They explain.
Specifically, the Creativity Club highlights the work they did in the Audi A4 TDI V6 advertising campaign, launched at the end of the 90s.
Alberto Astorga’s trajectory
Alberto Astorga It has a 35 -year career in the advertising industry. Worked for more than 23 years in Ddb Spain, agency that became a creative executive director of the offices of Madrid and Barcelona. After leaving at the end of 2011, he served as executive creative director in Doubleyou, Experience that served to know the world of digital and independent agencies.
In 2014, the stage that still endures as a partner and creative director in Santamarta & Astorgaagency born of the formalization of the relationship between Alberto Astorga and the Barcelona Santa Marta agency, set by Pablo Zea and Fernando Codina.
Throughout his career Alberto Astorga has worked for dozens of customers, among which are Volkswagen, Telefónica and Audi, for which he developed ideas for more than two decades.
Daniel Ilario’s trajectory
Like Astorga, Daniel Ilario It also has a professional career of more than three decades in the advertising sector. Began to forge his experience in DDB Barcelona, agentia of which he was part for fifteen years and in which he came to exercise as an executive creative director.
In 2010 he served as a filmmaker in Boolaband then joined the team of Doubleyou as associated executive creative director. From 2017 until the end of last year, Ilario has held the position of Executive Creative Director at the Agency C14TORCE, from which he has led the creative strategies for Seat and Cupra.
This ´ last stage has also combined with its role as an executive creative director at the Egg Barcelona design agency, and currently serves as an independent creative director.