The Spanish advertising industry continues to work to achieve Advertising contests more fair, transparent and respectful. After the launch of the Platform Fair Contests by the Association of Communication-La Fede companies at the end of January, now the Spanish Association of
Advertisers (AEA) and the Association of Media Agencies (AM) They have presented a good practices guide for the selection of media agencies.
The initiative, which takes place within the framework of the existing agreement between both professional associations, supposes the update of the “Good practices guide in the call and resolution of competitions”created in 2003. The objective has been to bring the procedures of the process to the current reality of the market and achieve a benefit for advertisers and agencies.
The guide update conforms to the reality of the market after the experienced changes
As explained from AEA and AM, the guide has evolved and is now more adjusted to the present according to the changes that occurred in the advertising market in the more than two decades between one document and another. They ensure that the current text provides a better response to the media needs of advertisers and collects the steps to achieve the greatest qualified service by the agency.
“After the change starring society, consumers, and logically by the media, we must always raise quality standards to obtain the best possible contact with our audience and for that having the most professional partners in the market”, Commented Javier López Zafra, president of the Spanish Association of Advertisers.
“We trust that advertisers and agencies will greatly improve this process for the benefit of all“; Oscar Dorda, president of the Association of Media Agencies, has expressed,”This guide includes strategic aspects that will have an impact on a maximization of the impact on results, due to an advance in the management and service generated”
Guide for the selection of media agencies
The guide presented by AEA and AM seeks to help advertisers in the selection of their media agency encouraging to reflect on the need for the CALL, METHODOLOGY AND VALUATION OF PROPOSALS. It does not seek to be a norm, but an orientation with the best practices.
As indicated in the document, it seeks Build lasting and healthy business relationships. In addition, he hopes that the recommendations allow agencies to offer the best of themselves, and also intends to avoid massive competitions that affect the quality of the service provided.
The guide establishes some Principles for ProcessS: Equity, confidentiality, regarding intellectual property, commitment and remuneration. It also includes tips and keys to the phases of call and selection process, and includes a briefing model that can serve as a reference to advertisers.
In this sense, in the section of Good practices for the call Invite to define the basic characteristics of the agency that is sought, or establish a minimum of four weeks for the delivery of proposals. It also advises to make a long list, composed of five or six possible agencies, and from there move to a short list, which should not include more than three.
With regard to the process, the guide recalls the importance of a clear and transparent briefing, and the specification of the required services. It also highlights the relevance of establishing decision criteria and an evaluation system and being transparent about them.
In this line, he also points out the need to establish remuneration for the process. Specifically, it indicates that for competitions with budgets less than three million euros, the Agency’s remuneration For the work done in the proposal, it must be 3,000 euros. If the budget is between 3 and 10 million euros, the remuneration must amount to 6,000 euros, and up to 9,000 if the budget exceeds 10 million.
The guide also urges to establish an interlocutor for the process and define a framework for the performance of the presentations, contemplate the time for this, the attendees or the form of resolution. Remember at this point the importance of confidentiality.
Includes a brief section in which you invite you to reflect on false beliefs Around the media agencies competitions. Among them, that the more proposals they are considered, the better; Or that the bigger the agency, the better. He also rejects the idea of changing agency when there is a problem or understanding contests as a tool to renegotiate.