They live their dreams abroad: Lucie Pottier, pastry chef in Dubai

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
They live their dreams abroad: Lucie Pottier, pastry chef in Dubai

Born in 2005, Lucie Pottier is an ambitious young woman. At her young age, she is already giving herself the means to succeed in realizing her dream: opening a French pastry shop abroad.

Her fondest childhood dream dates back to the times she fished with her grandparents on vacation before cooking together. Only 18 years old, Lucie Pottier is on the way to his little girl’s dream. Currently in the first year of a Bachelor in Service Management (BMS), Gastronomy course, at Fauchon Schoolthe young Rouennaise has a elite education. Passionate about pastry shop since a young age, she has dreamed of opening its own boutique/salon abroad, in the United States, where French pastry is very popular. A student among thousands of others who dream of big projects and who do not hesitate to cross the country’s borders to put all the chances on her side.

Also read: Top 5 places to discover pastries from great chefs at affordable prices

Lucie Pottier
Photo credit: Lucie Pottier

A family passion…

Lucie Pottier is attentive, concerned and passionate. Between the young woman and the pastry shop there is a real relationship of sincerity that reigns. Although his parents work in the medical field, his passion for baking was passed on to him by his mother and its grandmotherwith whom she spent every weekend cooking. The pleasure of giving is a value which is therefore transmitted from mother to daughter. It was therefore natural for her to continue this tradition. By following her heart, Lucie Pottier made the choice to devote herself to her passion. She hopes to follow in the footsteps of Pierre Hermé, Amaury Guichon Or Alain Ducasse.

Pastries made by Lucie Pottier during her internship.
Photo credit: Lucie Pottier

…which becomes a family project

In the United States, French know-how is admired. Lucie hopes, after her studies, to open a pastry with quality products in Uncle Sam’s country. An aspiration since the age of 13 years old. To stand out, she also wants to add a living room where brunches will be offered. She is convinced that her French label and his craftsmanship will be major assets to stand out in a very competitive market. His family is not unfamiliar with this project. Indeed, Lucie will be financially and morally supported by his parents. If they wish to invest in their daughter’s ambitious project, they are also ready to leave France to follow her to America.

Studying abroad: a springboard to the international world

It is at Fauchon Schoollocated in Rouen, that Lucie Pottier found the ideal training to make her dream come true. The school offers comprehensive training in all subjects of gastronomy to prepare students to become high-level professionals, experts in their fieldscreative and innovative in the food and service professions. Beyond this program, the Fauchon school is also in partnership with Neoma Business Schoola business school which will allow him to acquire management skills, essential to the success of his project.

There practical is essential for professional enrichment. To develop your business, getting out of your comfort zone is essential. As part of her first year internship, Lucie chose to go to Dubai until mid-July, a city which interested her by its luxury and his cosmopolitanism. She currently works at Sofitel Downtownwhere she is responsible for the production of pastries. This internship allows him to discover new techniquesnotably that of chocolateand to become familiar with an international working environment which can, without doubt, open doors for the future. However, although Lucie speaks English fluently, she explains that it is not the most widely spoken language in Dubai. Contrary to popular belief, it is the Indian.

Pastries made by Lucie Pottier during her internship.
Photo credit: Lucie Pottier

Lucie Pottier: between determination and inspiration

Ambitious, cheerful and sociable ! This is how Lucie Pottier describes herself. She is determined to succeed and to realize your dream. If his experience abroad is beneficial to enhance his learningit is also very advantageous on a personal level. “ Going alone allows me to discover myself alone. And then I’m well surrounded, things are going well in my shared accommodation,” she said happily. If many are afraid to leave because of the language barrier, Lucie assures that it shouldn’t be a hindrance. The immersion allows an improvement in vocabulary and conjugation without necessarily being aware of it.

Therefore, his ambition must be a source of inspiration for all. » You should not set limits, go for it and take the opportunities offered to you. For me it’s this internship in Dubai. “, she confides. Lucie Pottier addresses this advice to everyone who has a childhood dream and who wants to make it come true.

Lucie Pottier
Photo credit: Lucie Pottier