Doritos brings back “Crash the Super Bowl” and challenges consumers to make the brand’s ad for the sporting event

Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson
Doritos brings back “Crash the Super Bowl” and challenges consumers to make the brand's ad for the sporting event

Doritos is encouraging consumers, creatives and fans to make a better Super Bowl ad than the brand could make. It’s about the contest “Crash the Super Bowl”, through which it offers one million dollars and the opportunity for the created spot to be broadcast during the broadcast of the sports competition.

The Pepsi brand thus capitalizes on a key insight of the American football tournament: the status of the advertising breaks of the sports event as an element of entertainment and the social comments that are made around them. In this way, Doritos has put itself in the hands of its fans, also taking advantage of the user generated content.

Doritos fans will be able to send their proposals for the 59th edition of the Super Bowl

Looking ahead to the 59th edition of the Super Bowl, which will be held next Sunday, February 9, 2025, the brand wants to collect better reviews than some of those it has obtained in recent years for its advertisements. For this reason, it has opened a process – active until November 11 – to receive the creative proposals from users.

In the final stretch of the year, a jury will select the 25 best presentations – one for each year that Doritos has aired an ad during the Super Bowl – and three finalists will be announced in January, at which time users will be able to vote for their favorite spot. through the specific website The winner will receive a million dollars and an all-expenses paid trip to New Orleans for the big NFL game, which this year will feature Kendrick Lamar in the halftime performance.

Doritos are communicating the initiative with a series of videos in which recover past ads which were harshly criticized by viewers in the past. In them, it shows negative evaluations and invites consumers to “do better.”

Doritos continues to focus on content creation

Precisely some of the images that appear belong to previous winners of “Crash the Super Bowl.” And it is that Doritos originally launched the contest in 2006together with The Marketing Arm agency, becoming pioneer brand in the involvement of consumers themselves and in taking advantage of a culture of primitive content creation.
It is worth remembering that YouTube came to the market only a year earlier, in 2005, and would revolutionize the way of consuming online content.

When Doritos originally launched this campaign nearly 20 years ago, it was the first of its kind, giving fans never-before-seen creative control and ownership of our brand, and on the biggest advertising stage of the year.“Tina Mahal, Senior Vice President of Marketing for PepsiCo Foods North America, said in a statement.

Some of the spots broadcast during the 10 years that the initiative was active have become the most emblematic and remembered of the competition’s advertising break. Such is the case, for example, of “Goat 4 comes out”, in which a man bought a goat for his love of Doritos, but ended up getting fed up with the noise he made when eating them.
It was created by Ben Callner in 2013, who claims that his participation in the Doritos contest boosted his career as an advertising director.

It is one of the spots that the brand is precisely recovering to publicize the company’s return and, in a humorous tone, laugh at yourself regarding the criticism received.

It has also recovered “Slap”, aired in 2010 and showed a boy defending his mother and her Doritos from a particular suitor.

The protagonist of that piece is now the image of the new campaign to promote “Crash the Super Bowl.”

The brand trusts that, thanks to technological evolution, the democratization of editing tools and a more enriched content culture, the result will be favorable for the brand and its community. “TOWe still firmly believe that the best ideas come when we are willing to be bold, take risks, and stand up for our fans.“Tina Mahal pointed out.”Now that our fans have more access to creative and ad creation tools than ever, we can’t wait to see what they have up their sleeves.”.