Despite economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis and rapid technological development, business leaders they are optimistic regarding global economic growth over the next twelve months. However, they are aware of the urgent need to reinvent your businesses and to make bold decisions in order to continue creating value.
It is the main conclusion that the 28th Annual Global CEO Survey of PwCwhich was carried out among 4,701 CEOs from 109 countries and territories between October 1 and November 8, 2024. The analysis reveals a dichotomy between optimistic perspectives and concerns about how emerging technologies, geopolitics and The climate transition is revolutionizing the functioning of the market and the economy.
Below we collect the main findings:
The optimism of CEOs
CEOs claim to feel optimistic about the prospects for the global economy. Nearly 60% expect growth to improve in the next 12 months, up from 38% last year and 18% two years ago. 21% believe it will remain the same, while 20% say it will worsen, which represents a considerable decrease compared to 45% the previous year.
Despite optimism, CEOs are no strangers to risks. They consider that the macroeconomic volatility (29%), inflation (27%) and cyber risks (24%) are considered the threats most likely to precipitate a substantial financial loss in the next year. Climate change (14%) and social inequality (7%) are at the bottom of the list.
- Key for companies: There is no single vision, so it is important to consider the perspective and also pay attention to specific criteria, such as local concerns or the characteristics of the sector when drawing up strategies.
The imperative of reinvention
Business leaders are aware that the current landscape forces their companies to adapt and evolve. 42% of CEOs believe their company will not be viable beyond the next decade if it continues on its current path, and they cite changes in the regulatory environment as having the greatest influence on the economic viability of their businesses.
Many of them have already driven reinvention. 63% have taken at least one significant action to change the way their company creates, delivers and captures value in the last five years. The development of innovative products or services (38%) is the main reinvention action, followed by impacting a new consumer base (32%) and collaborating with other organizations (26%).

Additionally, nearly 40% of CEOs say their companies have begun to compete in at least one new sector in the last five years. And nearly a third point out that these types of initiatives represented 20% or more of the company’s revenue during the period.
Nevertheless, the pace of reinvention is slow and a large majority of companies lack agility. According to PwC, when it comes to transferring budget and people between projects and business units, about half of CEOs told us they reallocate 10% or less of financial and human resources from year to year. This means that, on average, only 7% of income in the last five years came from new differentiated businesses.
- Key for companies: Focusing on unmet needs, pain points, and customer experience can catalyze innovation. It often involves taking the company outside its comfort zone, for example considering new pricing models, new routes to market or new alliances.
Artificial intelligence and the challenge of profitability
The consulting firm’s annual survey has asked CEOs about the generative artificial intelligence and its impact on the business. 56% of business leaders report having noticed benefits in terms of efficiency in employees’ time at work during the last twelve months, while 32% have perceived a increase in income.
However, the performance of technology is below expectations. In 2024, 46% of CEOs expected to see improvements in profitability, but a year later only 34% say they have seen improvements. All in all, CEOs are positive: 49% expect an increase in profitability in the next 12 months.
The main priority of managers is integrate AI into your technology platforms over the next three years, followed by its integration into core business processes and the development of new products and services. However, only a few intend to integrate AI into people and skills strategy.
And while it is still early days, there is no data to suggest a widespread reduction in employment opportunities as a result of the adoption of artificial intelligence. What’s more, 65% of CEOs point out that the workforce has remained unchanged, while 17% point out that it has increased, compared to 13% who point out that it has been reduced.
- Key for companies: Making progress is keeping the organization’s focus on the goal and deciding where to deploy technology, investing in data preparation, in integrating AI into technology platforms, and in effective workflows and programs to develop workforce skills.
Advantage of climate action
When taking stock of the financial impact of investments related to the climate action In the last five years, they have been shown to be six times more likely to have increased income than to have reduced it. Additionally, around two-thirds of CEOs say they have reduced costs.
However, these benefits are not distributed equitably, and there are variations both in regulations in different countries and in their link to incentives. 56% of CEOs say their personal incentive compensation is linked to sustainability metrics. The higher the percentage of CEO compensation at stake, the more income is likely to come from environmentally friendly investments.
- Key for companies: Making companies’ sustainable measures beneficial requires action in four areas: the involvement of management, the company’s use of resources and energy, consumer education, and the use of transparent data to report progress. or challenges.
Attention to the quality of decision making
Running a company during a period of great change requires a decision making well informed, disciplined and impartial. But, according to PwC analysis, many CEOs say their company’s strategic decision-making processes are inconsistent.
Many do not put into action proven practices for good decision making, such as doing transparent the decision criteria, probe alternative points of view or intentionally seeking information that contradicts a hypothesis. And this leads to losses: companies with higher quality processes for making strategic decisions generally report higher profit margins.

- Key for companies: Stronger processes often lead to better decisions, especially under conditions of uncertainty. In the current panorama, the quality of decisions is essential.
More info.: 28th Annual Global CEO Survey of PwC