The lack of time in everyday life to carry out daily activities or enjoy hobbies is one of the main concerns of consumers. Aware of this, in the British supermarket chain Iceland have opted for combine the shopping process with going to the gym, and have proposed a basket with dumbbells and a sled cart.
The company’s intention is revolutionize the shopping experience of users by combining it with fitness and turning visits to its stores into gym sessions. In this way, Iceland has presented two innovative prototypes that will allow customers to purchase the items on their shopping list while achieving their fitness goals.
Thus, the supermarket has devised a shopping basket that has weights of up to 15 kilograms, which will allow consumers to work their biceps while walking the aisles of the establishment. On the other hand, it has presented a sleigh-cart that lacks wheels and weighs 25 kilogramsand that will encourage leg exercise when dragging it around the store.
Iceland’s initiative responds to a survey carried out by the company itself, which indicates that 37% of Britons commit to meeting a personal health goal at the beginning of the new year. Furthermore, 20% affirm that they depend on the weekly trip to the supermarket as their only form of exercise; and 56% expressed a desire to exercise while grocery shopping.
“It’s time to make that ‘new year, new life’ mantra a reality.”; commented Paul Dhaliwal, Chief Commercial Officer of Iceland Foods, according to Mirror. “However, in all honesty, most people don’t have the time or simply don’t like to go to the gym. That’s why we’ve incorporated training into the weekly shop and if we listen to feedback from shoppers, it’s something that could forever change the way we shop“.
The company has not specified whether the two basket and shopping cart prototypes will become a reality and whether they will be a regular part of its establishments. However, the presentation of both prototypes has coincided with the launch of new protein-rich products from the Myprotein own brand. These are prepared meals that include up to 56 g of protein in each meal and offer gym lovers an additional boost to their diet.